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A note on Slowing Down pt. 2

I wanted to continue the conversation on slowing down, but in a different context from last month. This will sound similar to my other posts about self-care, but I don't think we can talk about this topic enough.

Something I've learned along my artistic journey is that no one is going to tell you when to hit the pause button. No one is going to tell you to stop and take care of you, but YOU. It's so important to listen to your body, mind, spirit and take note of when you have exhausted yourself.

The hustle is real. In the midst of working, going to auditions last minute, maintaining a social life and working on my own artistic projects, I forget that I need to slow down sometimes. For me slowing down may look like, giving a work shift away because my body is saying "rest". Or cancelling plans with friends instead of going on Saturday night. What does slowing down look like for you? Another note I have found helpful for myself while I settle back into the west coast is finding a clear and healthy routine that lifts my spirits. A routine that allows me to find my center every morning before I attempt to conquer the day. I have found this to be so so helpful. The consistency in slowing down every morning, taking my time to make breakfast and/or get myself ready before I step out of the house boosts my confidence and caters to my body, mind and spirit in a positive way. What is it for you? Maybe sleeping in every weekend, a movement routine, a hike, the gym....anything. I'd love to hear!

This industry is tough. The pursuit is tough and never ending. We actors are athlete's in our own right. And athlete's take care of their instruments. So if you don't already I encourage you to pause and do that. If you do, my question for you is: how can you deepen what you already practice?

Sending love & blessings your way!

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